South Florida Yachts Blog
South Florida Yachts Blog


As we head into fall boating season, you may be looking for ways to continue a safe, socially distant routine on the water! Though many of South Florida’s beaches and waterways are often abuzz with fellow boaters, there are still plenty of ways to keep your distance on the water for a fun, safe trip. Take a look below for some helpful tips.

Keep your distance from popular boating and raft-up spots…

As recently reported in the Sun-Sentinel, certain spots such as Lake Boca—a beautiful lagoon just north of the Boca Raton Inlet—are seeing large crowds rafting up, creating an on-the-water scene that is not conducive to social distancing guidelines. While it’s no surprise that destinations like Lake Boca are so popular among boaters, it is important to avoid large gatherings just like you would on land (though spending a day on the water with members of your household is absolutely okay!).

… and find fun, serene alternatives!

Now is a great time to seek out those hidden gems you’ve heard about—the out-of-the-way fishing holes, the quieter beaches just a few miles upshore, the sandbars so small and personal they feel like your own private island escape. South Florida is home to some seriously beautiful waterfront hubs, of course, but for every bustling hot spot there is a quieter alternative right around the corner. (Compare the lively scene at South Beach, for example, to the more serene shores and stomping grounds of Key Biscayne.)

Put technology on your side

One great way to check on the crowds (or, hopefully, lack thereof) at your cruising or beach destination of choice is to head online! In addition to checking on social media, you can use live beach and sandbar cams to monitor crowds throughout the day to identify what spots you may want to visit or avoid.

Mask up when needed

Even while keeping your distance, there are several places where you might come close to your fellow boaters back on land—at the dock or marina, for example, or the fuel station or even grocery store as you pick up some pre-trip snacks. As always, mask up for your safety and peace of mind (and that of your neighbors!) and enjoy the trip ahead.

Get an early start

Finally, for a better shot at avoiding large crowds, get an early start to your day! You can have fun fishing, cruising and enjoying the scenic surroundings all before lunch rolls around—plus, knowing Florida’s weather, early excursions typically offer the best chance at seeing clear skies.

When searching for new boats Palm Beach, Stuart and Riviera Beach boaters (and those all throughout the South Florida area) turn to South Florida Yachts for our inventory, expertise and prices you’re sure to love. Call or visit us today to learn more.

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